Sunday, January 27, 2008


Mahatobhara Shree MangalaDevi Temple, Mangalore

Situated 3 Km Southwest of Mangalore City, this temple has influence on the name and importance of Mangalore. The word Mangalore is derived from Goddess Mangaladevi, the main deity of the temple. The temple built in memory of the princess of Malabar Mangale in the 10th century. The Goddess Mangale is worshiped as Shakti. The festival is celebrated during 9 days of Navaratri (October).

Goddess Mangadevi, Mangalore

Veerabahu was the king of Tulunadu. When he became old he handed over his kingdom to Bangaraja with the approval of his master sage Bharadharaja. Veerabahu had no children and after relieving himself of the responsibilities of the king became a recluse.

Bangaraja proved a worthy successor to Veerabahu. He ruled his kingdom well and brought more glory and fame to his kingdom. On a certain night while he was sleeping Goddess Mangaladevi appeared in his dream and revealed to him that at the spot where Netravathi and Phalguni rivers converge there is a mound under which lay the remains of a shrine. Mother Goddess bade him to relieve from the remains the Shivashakthi Linga and the Dharapatra and install them in a shrine newly built. Then, she further said arrangements be made for the regular worship in the temple. She promised him that these services would bring him glory and happiness.

The king, not being able to decide as to what he should do consults sage Bharadhwaja. Bharadhwaja saint was very much pleased with the king and encouraged him to fulfill the wishes of the Mother goddess. He wanted him to know the past events, which had made the place a hallowed and blessed one. Listening to the story of Vikhasini, Andasura and also sage Parasurama, Bhangaraja decided to execute the responsibility entrusted to him by Goddess Mangaladevi herself.

Thus a beautiful shrine was built and the Linga Symbolizing Shiva and Shakti, along with Dharapatra were installed. Once again the splendor of the shrine began to attract the pious people.

At the later stage, Kundavarma once again renovated the temple where it was in a dilapidated condition under the guidance of Matsyendranath and Goraknath, holy saints of the Natha cult. In Tulunadu, Kundavarma, the most famous king of Alupa Dynasty was ruling. At that time, there came two sages named Matsyendranath and Goraknatha from Nepal. They reached Mangalapura (today's Mangalore), crossing the river Netravathi. The place where they crossed the river came to be known as 'Gorakdandi'. They chose a place near the bank of Netravathi, which was once the centre of activities of sage Kapila. He had his hermitage there and it was a great centre of education.

Hearing about the arrival of two saints the king came to meet them. Introducing himself as the king of Tulunadu he paid them his respects and offered them help and patronage. Pleased with the humility and virtues of the king they brought to his knowledge that his kingdom was a hallowed place and it was sanctified by the activities of holy saints and sages in the past. They requested him to grant them land so that they could build their hermitage and make it a centre of their religious activities under his protection and patronage.

For Kundavarma it was really a surprise to know that his land had such a hoary history. It was from these saints he came to know that once upon a time there exists a temple in his land dedicated to mother Mangaladevi. From their own mother he heard the story of Vikasini and Andasura, Parasurama and the temple built by him. The two saints took the king to places where all these historical events had taken place. They asked the king to dig the place and relieve the Linga and the Dharapatra symbolizing Mangaladevi and install them in a shrine along with Nagaraja for the protection.

Kundavarma carried out the advice of the two sages. A grand shrine of Shri Mangaladevi stood on the hallowed place. The two sages themselves guided and supervised the execution of the work. The temple attained special significance, as Mother Mangaladevi granted special favors, especially on Maidens, Pious Maidens who worship the goddess observing Mangaladharavrata (Swayamvara Parvathi) will have their wishes fulfilled. They get husbands most suited for them.

Even today the two temples, Mangaladevi and Kadri have maintained their connection. The hermits of Kadri Yogirajmutt visit Mangaladevi temple on the first days of Kadri temple festival and offer prayer and silk cloth.

The place name Mangalapura owes its origin to the temple of Mangaladevi. The pious people even today believe that worship of Mangaladevi brings them prosperity and happiness. The temple has a special significance for the maidens. Maidens who observe Mangala Parvati Vrata will have their wish of having a suitable match, fulfilled. Those who celebrate their wedding in this holy place will have a happy married life.

Hindu Scriptures tell us about Lord Shrihari's incarnations on this earth whenever time comes to protect his devotees by means of destroying evil forces. Mother Goddess too makes her appearance in the earth to fulfill the same mission. In one such incarnation Lord Shrihari (Vishnu) killed a demon king Hiranyaksha, king of Shonithapura. His daughter Vikhasini in order to take revenge for her father's death gathered demons army and attacked Devaloka and defeated Indra, king of Devaloka. Seeing Indra's throne vacant the demons occupied it with pomp and pride, Kubera King of Yakshas did not allow their victory last long. He slayed their chief and drove them out of Devaloka. By seeing this Vikhasini realized that without the grace of God her earthly powers were futile. She made up her mind to do penance and propitiate Lord Brahma so that she could get a son by his grace that would be powerful enough to avenge the insult and penury suffered by her because of Lord Vishnu and Devatas.

Inner Circle, Mangaladevi temple, Mangalore

Having entrusted her state responsibilities to her minister, Vikhasini entered a forest and commenced severe penance devoted to Lord Brahma. When it proved to be futile she decided to offer her mortal body to the sanctifying fire Brahma appeared before her, immensely pleased with her devotion and offered to satisfy her wants. Elated by the grace of Brahma, Vikhasini said, "Lord, grant me a son who can slay Vishnu, the slayer of my father". Brahma had to tell her that the Thrimoorthis are deathless but he granted a boon to her, saying that she would beget a son from Lord Shiva and he would be valiant and invincible. This boon brought Vikhasini boundless pleasure, and quite contented, she returned to her kingdom.

Dreaming about her rosy future Vikhasini prepares herself for meeting Lord Shiva. She decided to discard her true form and disguise herself as Parvathi and doing so chose a place where she could meet Shiva. She made Shiva Linga and began meditating on Lord Shiva.

The spring season came. In Kailasa Lord Shiva, who had tamed his mind began to feel a new kind of inexplicable sensation. He found it hard to meditate. His feet led him wandering about the hills. He reached a certain spot where the natural surrounding was quite captivating. These sensations made Shiva long for the company of Uma. He was led to the place where Vikhasini in the guise of Uma was awaiting him. Seeing Uma, Lord Shiva was overwhelmed with the desire for carnal pleasures. Uma obliged him and they go under cover. The boon of Brahma began to come to fruition.

Vikhasini left the place with deep sense of fulfillment. The subjects of Shonithapura were extremely happy to have their queen back to rule them. Thinking of that malicious Devatas will harm her womb Vikhasini asked the help of Bhoodevi as to the foetus could be hoarded inside the earth. The gestation period of Vikhasini's foetus was over. Fully grown, it forced its way from the bottom of the earth with a thunder like sound. Thus a mighty demon Andhakasura was born. Vikhasini instilled him a burning desire to take revenge on Lord Vishnu and the Devatas. Soon Andhakasura attacked Devaloka, the heaven. None could stand the might of Andhakasura, the son of Lord Shiva and Devatas were faced a very humiliated defeat. Andhakasura was half way through his life's mission. His next target was Lord Vishnu and he went in search of him.

Here in Kailasa the Divine Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara were deliberating on how to save the world from the new problem in the form of Andhakasura. Indra too joined them. They finally decided to propitiate Mother Goddess who alone had the powers to solve this problem. Mother Goddess appeared before them. Together with granted powers and strength of all Devatas and Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara - Mother Goddess set out to annihilate Andhakasura and invited him for war. Andhakasura first sent two of his men to check out the position. But they lost their lives as they dealt radically with Mother. By knowing this Andhakasura become angry. But the sight of a strange and captivating woman of beauty left him spell bound. He spoke to her very endearingly and with ulterior motive crossed the bound of courtesy and hence the Mother Goddess was waiting for the opportune moment and the demon was challenged to fight. The demon did not take time to realize that he was courting his own death. Mother Goddess's over whelming appearance - twelve arms each holding weapons and the lion on which she was riding were too much for him. He ran to the sea in order to save his mortal life. He jumped into the sea for cover. The mother taking the form of Rakteshwari also jumped into the sea and killed him. Her victory caused waves of happiness all over the world.

Symbolic Idol, Mangaladevi Temple, Mangalore

In Tretayuga, Shri Hari is incarnated as Bharghava to destroy evil Kshatriya kings, taking twenty-one expeditious round the world. The empire won from the kings offered to sage Kashyapa in charity. Then he prayed Lord Shiva to grant him a land on which he could live and continue his penance. Shiva appeared before him and asked to obtain the land from the king of ocean. In the event of Varuna's refusal he threw his axe and the ocean vacated the distance of land covered by the axe. Thus the land retrieved from the ocean called as Parashurama Shristi. The spot where Mother Goddess killed Andhakasura was the spot which Bhargava chosen for his penance. And as per the instruction given by Mother, he built a beautiful shrine and installed the Linga and Dharapatra. For conducting the worship he appointed virtuous Brahmins. Having executed the instruction of Mother Goddess he left the place for Badarikashrama.

Postal Corresponding Address of the temple:
Mahatobhara Shri Mangaladevi Temple,
Mangalore - 575 001.
Phone: 0824- 2415476 (Office)

How to reach temple:
Since the temple is situated just 3 km distance from heart of the Mangalore city (Hampankatta), availability of frequent buses make it convenient to reach temple. For independent and convenient travel plenty of Auto-rickshaws also available.

Pooja list
Devi Mahatme
Mangala Arathi
Ashtittara Archana
Thrishakti Archana
Karthika Pooja
Pushpanjali Pooja
Thrimadhura Neivedya
Pushapa Pooja
Thulabhara (Only in Dasara)
Alankara Pooja
Swayamvara parvathi Pooja (At night only)
Shree Sathya Narayana Pooja
Silver Palanquin pooja (Only in Dasara)
Palanquin Pooja
Nithya Maha Pooja
Sarvalankara Pooja
Maha pooja (Only in Dasara)
Sanna Ranga pooja
Durga Homa
Chandika yaga
Dooda Rathostsava

For Ganapathi

Appada Pooja
Pushpa Pooja
Ganahoma (1 coconut)
Ganahoma (3 Coconut)
Sanna Ranaga pooja

For Naga


For Daivas
